National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians EMT initial course. This will be a blended class of online study, self study, and skill (hands on) days.
We will meet as a class every Tuesday and Thursday evening at Crown College. This time will be dedicated for some lecture and some hand on understanding of material read up to that date.
National EMS Certification assures the public, licensing officials, and employers that the EMS professional is competent. The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians® (National Registry) provides National EMS Certification for the United States. This is a standard that every American citizen deserves—at their moment of greatest need. National EMS Certification is part of the national EMS Education Agenda for the Future: A Systems Approach.
After candidates complete an approved EMS education program, and they meet eligibility requirements, candidates are required to demonstrate entry level competency on both cognitive and psychomotor examinations to become a certified EMT-B.
The psychomotor test will be required and we will only be offering it once. If student misses their test, it is their responsibility and cost to make it up somewhere else. The cost of the cognitive test is not included in the class fees. The test will be given on Thursday August 12th.
No classes are scheduled at this time.
Please contact us to discuss your current needs.